luni, 28 noiembrie 2011


Nu am mai fost de atat de mult timp pe aici incat nici nu mai stiam cum se face ca sa pun un post nou - mai mult decat atat, pentru ca am acces si la un alt blog (care nu este al meu, doar am drepturi complete in el:)) eram foarte aproape sa public postul de mai jos acolo - noroc ca mi-am dat seama la vreme - pfiu :))

Trecand peste prima introducere, o sa continui cu a doua:

Dupa ce Vlad a citit posturile de pe blogul meu m-a rugat sa ii scriu in fiecare zi ceva pe blogul meu pentru ca, mai apoi, el sa citeasca gandurile mele :)

Asa ca astazi, dupa ce a trecut mult timp de la rugamintea lui si probabil el nu isi mai aminteste nimic, dau curs invitatiei sale.

Pe 7 iulie 2012 ne casatorim - cu ocazia asta fac anuntul oficial: am sa fac din blogul asta si jurnalul de nunta:)

Nu stiu daca asta inseamna ca sunt bridezilla, dar aproape in fiecare noapte visez o nunta complet anapoda - majoritatea lor defasoara in curtea bunicii si, tot in majoritatea, nu am rochie sau nu sunt machiata sau coafata - azi-noapte nu mai eram eu nepregatita ci nunta era un dezastru - aveam o masa de pe care invitatii urmau sa se serveasca si pe ea 2 cutii de suc si un butoias de bere si cineva, cred ca organizatorul, spunea ca ar fi fost bine sa avem macar niste ospatari :))

Fain este ca ma plangeam la el (mirele meu:)) acum cateva saptamani si, ca urmare, a visat si el in noapte urmatoare ca urma sa intram in biserica pentru cununie si el era incaltat in tenisi :)) Am pasat pisica in gradina lui pentru ca dupa asta o vreme nu am mai visat nimic de genul asta:))

Intr-o nota mult mai vesela, ieri am hotarat ca dupa ce ne casatorim o sa incepem sa incercam sa concepem un bebe - abia astept un bebitz cu ochii albastri ca ai lui Flaf :) Mmmm... abia astept si gata!

Intre timp caut cu pasiune modele de rochie de mireasa - am gasit una care mi-a placut si mai ca mi-as fi cumparat-o dar am hotarat sa astept sa probez macar una inainte de a face alegerea finala :))

Mi-e dor sa scriu, dar nu prea am inspiratie acum - o sa mai incerc si maine :)

P.S. Prima se refera la intaia din sirul de povesti pe care (poate) o sa le scriu pentru delectarea lui :***

vineri, 2 octombrie 2009

let's get back to business:))

So... initially this blog was meant to be a spot I can direct my non-Romanian friends to when they (finally) decide to visit Romania (just in case I am too busy- being a corporate lawyer of course- to show them around).. insider tips for the world traveler:)
Let's start with essentials: arriving in Bucharest. Really nothing that hearty can be written about that, so please, dearest friend, once you decide to go to Romania remind me I left you in the dark about arriving at the airport:)
Arriving in Piata Victoriei (which one could translate as The Victory Square) Bucharest becomes a very nice, architecturally challenging city. You will see for yourself because finding (online) a picture to do it justice proved to be a very difficult task:( Now, that you are here look around, enjoy, get a good breath of Bucharest and go find your hotel. (Once again, dearest traveler, please let me know once you have decided to go to Romania that I should try guiding you a bit with this part of the planning:)
Now you've rested, you are all ready for a Bucharest day (or night) out.
Let's get you started on something to eat. I suggest going to "La Mama". It is a very nice, popular among Bucharest locals, Romanian restaurant (which in translation means "At Mom's Place" - implying of course the good food you eat at home, especially in Romania:)). They have an English menu, I think you can ask the waiter for some tips on the food and I will also post some suggestions: tochitura moldoveneasca (which is like a ton of meat with pollenta and some scrambled eggs, delicious! and very Romanian - from the Moldavian region of the country, not Moldavia the other country), sarmalute (minced meat in rolled in cabage, also best served with pollenta and sour cream) , ciorba de perisoare (which is a sour soup - very specific to Romania, which also the Russians and, if I'm not mistaking the Germans have, but Romanian one is better, trust me on this one:) and ciorba de burta (which is a disgusting thing, also a sour soup, made out of cows' stomachs - very Romanian - hate it or love it! I personally hate it, but hey, if you are a person who wants to try the new - this is a good choice! You might end up loving it:).
For the vegetarian part of my friends: I am sorry! Romania is a country where people eat a lot of meat! Also: if you have something against pork... I'm not as sorry as I am for my vegetarian friends, but still I am sorry, cuz the most traditional dishes include a lot of pork.
For drinking I suggest either the house wine (which comes as white or red) or their lemonade. Oh, and if it happens to be autumn when you go, you have to drink "must" (this is the wine before it becomes wine, it's almost non-alcoholic, and my favorite drink in the whole world. Careful though if you have a fragile stomach:).
Now you have a full stomach (and you are also happy with the quite good deal you made price wise:) you are ready to sink into the adventures that Bucharest is ready to offer you.

joi, 1 octombrie 2009

Broken promises

To myself (first of all) and to my (very few, to none) readers:)) I said I'd try to write a new beautiful thing about Romania every day... I understand not being that strict and not writing every single day... But I haven't done it in exactly 3 months:))
That is so like me... So starting now: no more promises... no more tomorrow I quit smoking and on Monday I start studying... I will just write whenever I feel the urge to do so:) i.e. when I miss home or when my sister gives me inspiration:)
Before writing this I was thinking... maybe I should post twice a day every day for the next three months and, this way, make up for my lapse:) But I am sure that won't work so... Shhhh:))

First day of school

Copycat poussy as someone would say:)
Yes, that's a bit true... because my sister wrote about this in her latest post... Because today it's the 1st of October... And on the 1st of October the Universities start their year.... But I'm not a copycat... And my sister wrote a bit about the 1st of October, mom and her first day of school (which, by the way, was the 15th of September).
She missed the first day of school today although mom called her early in the morning to rush to school:) I remember the week before the school started was really good. We would always go shopping (my mother and I). And we would buy a nice school-bag (maybe once every other year), a new pen box (latest fashion Barbie dolls at that time of course... no WiFi technologies), 4 notebooks (2 mathematics and 2 that we would call "dictando"), a ruler, some pencils (that daddy would afterward sharpen with a knife... a process that used to fascinate me... and, honestly, still does today... the pencils sharpened by him were the envy of my whole class). And once that was done with... we would buy new white socks... with some pink ribbons if available... maybe new shoes (if it was the time for that)... maybe some skirt.... And then the stress would follow.. inevitably I would cry at least once in that week (I used to be a bit more emotionally challenged when I was 7 then these days... 25 and happy about it:)
My very first day of school...I say my mom didn't come with me... she would argue intensely... actually i think she came, but i was (even at that time) pretty self-sufficient...
There was, I don't know why, something happening in the gym and a woman came to me and asked me if I'd be part of her class for the next year and I told her I'd love to (diplomatic 7 years old:) but I am in Ms. Zdrobis' class.. and, you won't imagine the coincidence, I am Ms. Zdrobis she told me:)) And my mum says she was there... I don't remember...I just remember it was rather embarrassing and, yet, pretty nice what happened then.
Another 12 years of first days followed... and then another 4 of first university days... and then another 2 of first master days.... as many introduction days as almost 3 working days' weeks...
Last one: this very year, even though it was the 20th school day:)) and a ton of university offered booze:) Maybe we become more and more sophisticated with each first day we attend... therefore we need more than just a nice question from the main first grade teacher, or from the school principal or from the police officer... as the time goes we need more and more in order to get us excited enough as to make us get out of the house and give up our precious time for such an activity:) I'm guessing that's why my sister missed her first day... She's a PhD candidate now... and there was no caviar and pate de fois gras on the menu... nor a presidential speech on the activity list... why would she get out of her research lab for that? :)) Plus they don't make white socks with pink ribbons anymore... nor Snow White pen boxes (and she won't settle for a cyborg one in a million years! I would know!!!).
Well... first day of school reminds me of home... so there it is! On my "what i love about my country"!:)

miercuri, 1 iulie 2009

The turtle... still why

Because in a blog somewhere, someone was trying to collect 1000 beautiful things about Romania and I was too selfish to share my thoughts over there as "just comments" I will start with the very first thing that crossed my mind... a turtle in the lake...
I have no idea what it was doing there, but in the lake that I've known forever, that I have admired during summer when the water lilies proudly whitened the dull image of the (otherwise green) lake, on which I have ice-skated during the coldest winters of my childhood, and of whose tenants, about a zillion loud frogs about whom I have (with cute stubbornness ) asserted that they bark, there was a turtle.
A surprising, taciturn and, yet, completely natural, turtle. I think I was the only one on whom the uncommunicative turtle made such a huge impression, but it's the first beautiful thing I thought of and I had to write about it... here and now and for myself:)


Because today I have (sadly) discovered I don't really know things about my country... I hope it's not (another) failed attempt of promotting her, but rather a place where one can find inspiration about the beautiful places, people and happenings of Romania.
I plan to write about something nice every day because when I am far away I really miss her, my (she-)country:)